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Over a year ago


Unless you don't mind filthy rooms, nasty bathrooms topped off with a rude, indignant, mean, unhelpful staff. I went last night for the first time in many years and I don't think the rooms have been cleaned since. The dirt, lube and you know what on the all the wooden areas have formed a new substance which is disgusting. I guess some things NEVER change and Flex is a perfect example. The staff talk and treat you like beggars off the street with a hand out. The room I got had a different TV than years ago that you had to touch but not knowing that I went to the desk. BIG MISTAKE. They let me know that I was bothering them for even asking, wouldn't come to the window with the tiny hole I was trying to listen through and just stood on the other side of their "safe" room with their hands crossed looking at me like I was crazy. It's obvious by seeing that ALL the staff are the same that it's acceptable behavior and customer service is not allowed by it's employees. Very surprising actually since they certainly weren't busy enough to warrant bad behavior from all the employees and a dirty, nasty environment. All I can say is if the rooms which are easy to clean I can only imagine what things are growing in the spa, bathrooms and common areas. We have to as Gay men, not accept but force out businesses (gay or straight) that treat us like second class citizens. Gay men have evolved, we can actually enjoy a spa envirement and have sex in clean places.

Over a year ago

Although this place has its drawbacks as mentioned in other comments, I have always had a great time. I am older but in good shape. It always amazes me how so many cute, young trim guys seem to like older men. I often go Sunday afternoon because I like to look at all the the sunshine!

Over a year ago

Feeling trashy?

Good place to go when you're feeling trashy..

Over a year ago

sissy friendly

Love working out in my pantyhose - and the guys could not keep their hands to themselves had a great time - will be going back Saturday afternoon again too

Over a year ago

flex Los Angeles, became terrible place.

The gym room looks like a museum of old fashion equipments. All the equipments are more then 50 years old .there is cheap $10 scale that show 10p off . The dark room is not really dark as suppose to be, it’s always dirty with used condoms all over, only ones in 8 hours staff going inside to clean. there is only 2 mattress . In the TV room there is tow sofas 6-8 guys can sit there but only 3 can watch T.V because the TV set in the middle of the room instead in the corner. The video room set up even worth, there is 3 TV each on different wall, there is no way to watch 3 TV in same time, you have to move your head from one to other. The TV are small, old, andin bad location. the room is very hot in the summer, there is not even fen over there. There is only 3 toilets in flex but u can’t just sit there and relaxes because non of them have lock its mean you have to watch the door when you sit there. In the 3th restroom you don’t have to watch the door because there is no door, yes like in the jail. So you need to watch your ass. you can see layer of dust 1/4’’ thick above the room walls, the fan circulate the dust in the air and we’re breathe it. All the lockers are dirty from outside and inside, looks like never clean. same as the fans , lithes, and carpet. They advertising heated pool, the pull never ever warm. The regular rooms some bigger than others some have mirror some not(because when a mirror break the don’t bother to replace it).but all the rooms very hot in the summer time. They promoted a discount card, buy $40 card get $50 value. But they keep it as secret, just a few guys know about it .

Gay Bars in Silverlake

Eagle LA

Long-standing leather bar


Unpretentious lounge in Silverlake

The Ruby Fruit

Colorful eatery and wine bar